So this post comes with a warning: We had our doctors appointment only 1 hour ago. I usually give myself time to calm down from (good or bad) news, let the information sink in and think before I speak, or type in this instance, but I just can't today. So let this be a warning that this will be full of raw, unedited emotion.
I'm not known for being the most optimistic person, I see myself more as a realist. This helps me to not set myself for a big push off of a high pedestal of expectations in any aspect of life, but especially medical things because if there is anything we have learned over the last 11 years is that anything medical is never set in stone. This time though I let that little bug get inside my head that said if the doctor says great job keep going at this appointment then we would be home in time for the first day of school for Johnathan. This is a day no mother ever wishes to miss!
"Bones looking good!" "You're rounding third and heading to home plate" the doctor says. I start to smile, here it comes!! The end is in sight and he's going to give us going home news!! "But I want to slow down the rate to 3 times a day just to be safe." ...and face plant! Dropped head first off that pedestal into reality. I should have known better! I lost my smile instantly. But I want to go home is all I kept thinking and I guess it showed on my face because the doctor looks at me and shifts his demeanor and says "oh, are you home sick?" Am I home sick?!?!? My response was, I was home sick a month ago, that doesn't even begin to describe what I'm feeling. All he could say after that was keep doing what you're doing, he is looking good and looking longer just looking at him and we'll see you in 2 weeks. And that is all I can think about...are you home sick? I'm not just home sick, I am overly exhausted on a daily basis of being away from my family, my friends, my home, my dog and the under appreciated dry heat of NM! YES, I am home sick. I want a hug from someone over 5 feet tall. :-/ (although Zackary hugs are pretty amazing if you've never had the pleasure)
Please do not get me wrong, I appreciate all the kind words and encouragement via email, text, phone calls and cards, and please don't stop, but there's just something about getting a hug when you're down, or happy for that matter. that is truly taken for granted by those who can do it whenever they want. Let me make this clear as well, I know there was good news to be heard at the appointment like; we are up to 5.9 cm of growth! That is only 2.1 cm away from our goal! He is slowing us down just slightly and not making us reverse. Been there, done that, don't ever want to go back! And of course Zackary's health and flexibility continues to amaze the doctors and therapists and I am beyond proud of how strong my son is throughout this whole thing!
So with that all said, here I sit, still home sick, but there is no place else God wants me to be. I'm right in the middle of HIS plan for my life and my family's lives. I will see everyone soon as we have scheduled a visit home in 2 weeks from tomorrow (the countdown is on!) And even if I can't be there to drive my son to the first day of school I know I have an amazing support system at home that will continue to be a part of his life and guide him in the ways to create the well rounded man he is becoming. Plus I know for a fact I will not have to endure the crazy weather that is Baltimore winters and my family will all be together next to the Christmas tree soon enough.
Thank you all for listening to my rant, if you made it this far. I respect and love each one of you for your continued support and love to our family. Thank you!
Until Next Time~
Momma Miller
You got this Stacy! You are so strong and I admire that about you. Sending you a big hug! Love you tons
Hugs friend (from afar). That's gotta be hard, but i am happy he's doing well with growth. Cowgirl up ♡ you got this. Homestretch. We're all praying for you.