Double appointment days can always be a bit stressful. It throws off our routine, we never know what the x-rays are going to show and honestly there's always a bit of anxiety knowing the doctor doesn't give out good news at every visit. This time though, we were excited to see the doctor for Zackary's first post-op appointment. We both woke up and decided it was a good day to have a good day. We started off by being able to sleep in an extra 30 minutes so we were already ahead of the game! Breakfast was made and off we went. Doctor waiting rooms where we usually spend at least 45 mins (usually closer to 90 mins) only took us 20, can you say winning?! The x-rays were taken and then we sat in our room waiting for the doc.
Dr. Herzenberg came in with his fellow doctor and was in a good mood, mind you we're use to style bedside manner, I'll leave it at that. He even complimented Zackary's drawings on his leg and asked to take a picture with his 'favorite dude patient from NM'. Zackary and I just smiled (under our masks of course) and knew he was ready to have a good day too. He asked how Zackary was doing and as I flowed with praise on Zackary's healing, flexibility and low pain he quickly joined in when he saw with his own eyes how much Zackary was able to move his leg. He said his flexibility was at the point he would expect for week 4/5, not beginning of week 2, good news! He moved on to the x-rays and said he was pleased with what he saw! This was the moment we got to give a big sign of relief. We've sat in that same room when the doctors told us he's not happy and we had to stop and even reverse the lengthening process, not fun. So his words helped melt away the anxiety.
We knew it was smooth sailing from there as said to keep working hard. Then, before he left the room the doctor left us with not only good news of allowing Zackary to increase weight bearing from only toe-touch to 40-50 pounds but ended with great news letting us know we could actually increase his lengthening rate! We moved from 4 times a day to 5 times a day, totally 1mm a day. This is huge, and proves the praise was warranted because Zackary is killing it this time around.

Now that we have all of that excitement out of the way for the week we go back to the daily routine of PT, work for me, growing for Zackary and enjoying time together because, well, that's all we have these days and I'm ok with that. Next week's doctors appointment is on Thursday so if anyone wants to pick a good day to have a good day, won't you join us then?! Thanks for all the support and love, we hope this finds you well and in good health.
Until next time,
Momma Miller
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