3 appointments ago we went in with similar expectations as the week prior, hoping for continued growth, knowing that things couldn't get much better then the prior weeks but they did! Zackary continues to blow the doctors away with his flexibility and bone growth that they increased his rate of lengthening AGAIN! This is unheard of for the Millers. In all the 6 months we were here last time, we never got above 1mm a day rate and this appointment he increased it to 1.2mm every other day. It came with an earlier wake up time for me to get that 6th turn in but it was totally worth it when we started doing the math and realizing it was possible for us to be home in the month of July.
We continued on with our very predictable routine, that we love so much, until the next appointment. Though we could see the increase in patient and wait time for our appointment (they lifted a lot of medical covid things so summer surgeries are in full swing over here) the results and appointment went rather quickly. We knew upping to 6 turns every day was a bit of a stretch and the doctor confirmed that when he said, smooth sailing but steady as he goes; meaning no change. But that meant no decreasing so we took it with a grain of salt and moved on with our week. This is also the week that they added the anti gravity treadmill to his routine. It's an amazing machine that controls the amount of gravity in it so he can work on proper technique of walking without the weight bearing. What will they think of next, am I right?!
The last week or two have been a little more rough for Zackary. He is feeling more tightness and he's losing a bit of flexibility. This is to be expected as we are told by PT and his doctors but having him feel so well for so long it was a bit of a punch to the gut to feel like we were going backwards, a feeling we were all to familiar with and started preparing for some not so good news at the next appointment. Each time Zackary gets xrays I get to be in the room behind the screen and I have learned to read them very well. It's like a sneak peak that I try not to get too excited or bummed about but this time I just didn't know. I'm staring at it and I didn't see the extended shadows. Was the gap bigger? Is my mind playing tricks on me? Zackary also felt like things were right. That appointment felt like it took forever from the paperwork to the waiting room to xrays and then sitting in that empty room just waiting and knowing the doctors were reading said xrays.
Well we finally saw the doctor walking our way and he didn't have his happy face on. 'Not bad' were the exact words he used. Uh, not bad is not good but could be worse? I'm not sure, just tell it to me straight I wanted to holler at him. He popped the xrays on the screen and said it's fine. Ok, let's get more vague why don't you! I could see the tension in Zackary get stronger as well. Finally he said and I quote "We can slow down the turns if you want". If I want?!?! Why would I want to do that. I pulled it together and asked, why would I want to? He says if we're concerned about the tightness. He then followed with, I think the bone is good enough and I know you guys want to go home sooner rather then later so we can just push through the last couple weeks or we can slow down. I looked at Zackary and I could read his mind. He's always been a 'push through' kind of kid. Without hesitation I said 'no we're good'. We promised to up our at 'home' PT and add more walking and then before he left he said the magic words. "Ok, one more appointment then you get to go home."
It's been a week since that appointment and I still can't accept it. I can't believe we have a flight booked for THIS SATURDAY to go home. We have fallen into such a comfortable routine now. We see professionals daily to monitor Zackary. We know what each minute brings. I know my biggest goal is to kick Zackary's butt at our evening board game hour. Are we ready to get back to real life in ABQ? Are we ready to leave our little safe spot in this room? This is all to good to be true to even think about. But ready or not, we're ready for our last appointment on Thursday for the doctor to tell us Zackary is done lengthening!
Until Next Time~
Momma Miller

The last week or two have been a little more rough for Zackary. He is feeling more tightness and he's losing a bit of flexibility. This is to be expected as we are told by PT and his doctors but having him feel so well for so long it was a bit of a punch to the gut to feel like we were going backwards, a feeling we were all to familiar with and started preparing for some not so good news at the next appointment. Each time Zackary gets xrays I get to be in the room behind the screen and I have learned to read them very well. It's like a sneak peak that I try not to get too excited or bummed about but this time I just didn't know. I'm staring at it and I didn't see the extended shadows. Was the gap bigger? Is my mind playing tricks on me? Zackary also felt like things were right. That appointment felt like it took forever from the paperwork to the waiting room to xrays and then sitting in that empty room just waiting and knowing the doctors were reading said xrays.
Well we finally saw the doctor walking our way and he didn't have his happy face on. 'Not bad' were the exact words he used. Uh, not bad is not good but could be worse? I'm not sure, just tell it to me straight I wanted to holler at him. He popped the xrays on the screen and said it's fine. Ok, let's get more vague why don't you! I could see the tension in Zackary get stronger as well. Finally he said and I quote "We can slow down the turns if you want". If I want?!?! Why would I want to do that. I pulled it together and asked, why would I want to? He says if we're concerned about the tightness. He then followed with, I think the bone is good enough and I know you guys want to go home sooner rather then later so we can just push through the last couple weeks or we can slow down. I looked at Zackary and I could read his mind. He's always been a 'push through' kind of kid. Without hesitation I said 'no we're good'. We promised to up our at 'home' PT and add more walking and then before he left he said the magic words. "Ok, one more appointment then you get to go home."
Until Next Time~
Momma Miller